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Can turkeys harm ponderosa pine trees by pecking at the bark?

2 years ago

Can turkeys harm ponderosa pine trees by pecking at the bark, and if so, can this eventually kill the trees?

Two large ponderosa pine trees near us are losing lots of pieces of bark near the ground, and some of the pieces have holes in them about 1/4"-1/3" in diameter. I don't think it's bark beetle. The trees have always had some pieces of bark break off every year, but this year it's considerably more than usual. Another change this year is that wild turkeys have remained in the area all year (they are normally only present Nov to Feb or March), and they have been hanging out near the pine trees a few times a week. They root around in the soil there, dig up areas of pine needles, etc. I wonder if they are pecking at the bark.

If it's harming the trees, I'm thinking of putting up a small fence around each of the pines to keep the turkeys away.

There are also woodpeckers about, but they haven't affected the bark near the ground before.

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