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Stressed? Dormant? Burnt? Fungus? Something Else? Help save my grass!

I can’t decide if my lawn is:
{1} Just needing something like Scott’s Summergaurd or something similar (I haven’t fertilized yet as we put down new sod in May)
{2} Gone dormant or been burnt from being in so much sun, having record +100 degree days, and not being watered as often as it was (local water restrictions have us down to 2 days and it was getting watered every day in May then every other day since early June-Mid June now it’s every 3 days)
{3} Fighting a possible fungus issue (Summer Patch maybe)? Is Scotts DiseaseEx a good option or are there better ones to consider?
{4} Keep watering when I can & cross my fingers and toes I can keep enough of it alive to thatch the dead stuff out & overseed in the fall?

This is our second (and in some spots, third) round of sod and it was doing well in May (it took root this time!!) it was green & only struggling in one or two small spots but overall it was all good and now it looks like this and I want to cry. (We had it on a timer to water while we were gone for 3.5 weeks and stay within our cities restrictions but somehow the water shut off or the timer malfunctioned so it wasn’t getting watered at all for the past week & a half maybe longer.)

*Side note the black spots you see is the lingering organic topper material we put down about a week and a half ago when it was starting to struggle and adding that back in May brought it back so we tried it again.

Lawn size: Between 750-900 sq.ft
Grass Name: Mix of mainly Kentucky Blue with various other Blues, Ryes, and Fescues
Location: Northern Utah, lawn is South facing so it gets A LOT of sun

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