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I need some help arranging a tv room

3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

I am trying to turn a spare bedroom into a tv room . This room isnt huge , it measures 12x17. Ignore that i havent replaced baseboard and closet doors yet . They need updated. My biggest concern is layout of furniture . I bought the rocker / recliner loveseat so my husband could have the recliner hes always wanted . I regret it now because it has to set a foot off the wall to have room to recline . Any ideas on the best layout ? My thought was to move the tv directly across from the loveseat but not sure now if this is the best place for it . I am open to any ideas .

Comments (29)

  • 3 years ago

    I think your furniture is in the right location. Hang your TV on the wall directly across and get a shallow console for underneath. I’m not loving the floor lamp with your sofa. Can you swap it out for something less shiny?

    auntannie123 thanked lkloes
  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Hi ! yes i can swap the floor lamp . i took it from another room to see if i like a floor lamp or if end table with lamp would look better .I agree its the wrong style. i have no other furniture yet for the room

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    I'm not clear on why you don't like this placement? To me, this looks ideal - kids zone at the end of the room with shelving and baskets for storage, TV on wall by windows with couch facing it. You have a nice set up for ease of conversation and looks warm and inviting.
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    i would not place over the fireplace, that is too high. you can put on an arm on the left side of the book case where the slot is for a smaller one or leave on the wall it is on, then i would give it a larger console. i think i would continue to have the sofa face the fireplace then have two swivels on the right side of the couch so they can turn to the fireplace, the tv, or the couch. i would not even ask about shelves i would quickly have them filled. if that step down gives a problem i think the least expensive solution is a slanted piece of wood shoved against it. well and glued down. if you ever want a little more color or zip, let me know can give you at the least some cool pillowsl. let me know.
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    Looking at your other thread, why not put the dining room where they have the big sectional? It is adjacent to the kitchen and you have the kitchen table nearby for seating kids so the adults can have the big table. Then you can trick out the other space for a great TV/family room.
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    Yes, it should work. Don't dis the toy chest; it may not be the right sized for a coffee table but it's pretty nice looking in its own right.
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  • 3 years ago

    A cheerful rug, some art/photos on the wall, a side table.

    auntannie123 thanked ShadyWillowFarm
  • 3 years ago

    Yes . I will definitley be getting decor for the room . I was trying to find the right layout for furniture first

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Would side tables on each side of sofa look best ? i feel like the least amount of furniture in the room the better since its a small area but I want this room to look good .

  • 3 years ago

    Leave the loveseat where it is, with a narrow, long, console directly across from it and the tv mounted above the console. Place the floor lamp on one side of the loveseat, and get just one end table for the other side if you feel like you need it for function, otherwise, skip the end table. Put just one large piece of art behind the loveseat.

    auntannie123 thanked calidesign
  • 3 years ago

    I would get a chair side end table with lamp at end of couch to put coffee on. Or floor lamp and C table for the same reason.

    auntannie123 thanked erinsean
  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    I was debating coffee table or not . there is only about 6 1/2 feet from the loveseat to where the TV console will be . Also , whats your thoughts on a small scale chair in front of the window ? would ne nice to have seating for another person

  • 3 years ago

    thanks jck910 . My thoughts too

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    For daytime viewing, add a bamboo shade under blackout drapes that can close, hung at ceiling height and past the window frames. Will make the room seem larger and will block any light leakage while adding nice texture.

    Get a larger, more colorful/interesting rug that almost fills the room. It will be pretty and will help with acoustics.

    Nob Hill Penthouse · More Info

    Place the recliner sofa in front of the window, leaving enough space for it to recline. Add a floor lamp on the right side and a "C" table on left . If you can do without the closet for storage, have it wired for TV, get a larger TV and paint the interior of the closet black, wall mounting the TV. You might hang it on a fully articulated arm so you can pull it out, up, down, etc. Add a credenza with drawers under it to hold the TV gear, videos, and any other items or clothing you want to store for the "off" season. Visualize this with the TV 5" above the credenza and all of it in the closet. You can add the doors back or not. If you want a true media room feeling, you can deck out the closet interior with some cool LED lighting. A fun project if you DIY, would be to stencil and frame some of your favorite stars or movie characters and hang them on the side walls.

    modern beach cottage / lantern village, dana point · More Info

    auntannie123 thanked decoenthusiaste
  • 3 years ago

    Thank you for those suggestions . I was waiting to see if anyone thought i should put the sofa in front of the window . I had thought about doing something with the closet area but im not sure my husband is up for another diy project . I am loving that idea though !

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Actually, info below was what I was working on sending, but was looking for pictures. Hope this helps.

    Can be transformed back to useable closet by adding a rod. Suggest painting door frame same color as walls.

    To avoid Diy, look for a low bookcase from Ikea.

    Can play around with location of chair(s), turn the rug to suit configuration, add small side table(s) and a nice ceiling light on a dimmer and perhaps a floor lamp.

    auntannie123 thanked Maureen
  • 3 years ago

    The curtains are already raised to ceiling height and placed on the outside of the window trim . The window is small but this did make it appear larger

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Thank you maureen for those visuals . i love it . I did wonder if i would need to paint the closet trim . The entire room is trimmed in stained baseboard and window trim . The doors are too . Does that mean I would need to paint all trim the same ?

  • 3 years ago

    Hope it works😊

    auntannie123 thanked Maureen
  • 3 years ago

    I don’t think so and it would feel less like a converted closet, plus being open, it won‘t feel like trim.

    auntannie123 thanked Maureen
  • 3 years ago

    If you were to go or a true theater experience, you might paint the walls and trim in a dark color; maybe the chocolate of your recliner sofa. Might work very well even if you only did the entire closet and doorway wall, including doors in black. That way the TV really becomes the focal point of that end of the room. when it is on, and disappears when off. You could leave the other walls as they are. Black and tan work well together.

    auntannie123 thanked decoenthusiaste
  • 3 years ago

    Thanks for the ideas ! My husband like the idea of using the closet area . We like the built in look of the first image . We have moved the sofa in front of the window and put a temporary console table with TV to make sure we like it . One issue I’ve noticed is the light from the window gives the TV a glare . I don't really want to open and close curtains all the time . I will have to think on that . I like venetian blinds so i can still see out the window so i dont think a solid blind is the right thing either. I like the paint ideas too . I was originally thinking soft neutrals for this room but you have me thinking differently now !

  • auntannie123 thanked Maureen
  • 3 years ago

    I never knew there was anything like this . Thanks so much ! I will check it out

  • 3 years ago

    Do you not need the closet for storage? It's a whole lot easier to just get a console for the wall rather than doing a builtin and dealing with glare. And you can look out the window from the chairs as well if it stays on the wall. I think the chairs will look odd taking up the whole back wall of the rectangular room and that doesn't leave you a way to use all that other space in front of them.

    auntannie123 thanked calidesign
  • 3 years ago

    I actually dont use that closet for anything but a vacuum . I think i can find another spot for it . I have been thinking though how easy it would be to just buy a console . The room has a good feel to it arranged this way . Because of the room size I will probably get only one swivel chair and position it to the left of the room

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Or... you could always fill all that empty space that would be left in front of the sofa with something like this...


    Seriously though, I am personally not really a fan of a sofa backed up to the windows - if it can at all be avoided. Btw, Eastern Feng Shui school of thought is not particularly fond of that placement, either; it is not considered to be ‘good Feng Shui’. And since this room appears to have just the one window, even more reason not to block the air flow; and of course, also a much more expansive and comfortable feeling to actually be able to look out the window. And I also agree that it seems like it would basically just be easier to get a console, versus embarking on a big project in the closet.

    Maybe a console that has a bit of an open design, so as to not block your vent there.

    Maybe a bit longer than these, but just to show one example of an open design, which could be helpful should you need to not block that vent.

    Maybe a couple of plug-in wall sconces, for a bit more light/ambience.

    I think something like this one may complement your floor lamp.


    auntannie123 thanked freedomplace1
  • 3 years ago

    Lol I will pass on the mini trampoline . I like the open concept console but is a little too modern for me . If i use console with 4 legs , one leg falls center of the vent and wouldnt block too much air flow . It also wouldnt be near as long as suggested . Centering 4 ft console gives me 5 ft from the corner wall to the console . Also , wouldnt have the tv glare issue but I do have the problem of only having 6 ft from sofa to tv .. that seems really close to me . The only reason I would consider this arrangment is beacause im not 100 percent sure if I should use the closet space .

    Let me throw another one at you , any ideas on leaving the sofa at the window and keeping tv in the location it is currently ? Im guessing it would need lowered some . Maybe its the angle but there is no glare .

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Before deciding, try both configurations by placing tv on a table. Also recline chairs so you have the seating far enough from wall to be able to judge your comfort. It really comes down to what works best for you when watching tv. How you accessorize will also have an influence in creating a balanced space.

    auntannie123 thanked Maureen
  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    I’m glad you found the trampoline suggestion funny. :) I thought it was fun. But then, when I thought about it last night after I posted it, I thought, ”Yikes... I think I’ve really been on Houzz waaaayyy too long... 😂

    I agree that it really comes down to what you are most comfortable with. Your comfort is the most important thing. So if you are comfortable with the loveseat with back to window and tv in the current position, definitely - why not. You could just leave the tv where it is and not go through a whole thing of converting the closet, etc. So yes, lower it a bit, if you can. And if you wanted to fill the space below tv a bit more, one idea could be some kind of plant stand under it with one tall plant or a shelf style unit with a couple of small plants on it, etc.

    Another layout you could consider - if it is possible - is to float the loveseat with it’s back to the closet, leaving enough room for reclining, and put the tv in this area.

    This way you are facing the window and not sitting with your back to it. And you have a number of options for the tv setup in this arrangement.

    You could use a mobile tv stand/console with wheels, and this would give you a lot of flexibility for placement - either in that corner or you could roll it over to be more centered in front of window, etc. These wheeled consoles are very convenient, and come in all kinds of styles these days.

    Or you could possibly use some type of corner console there. And as another option you might be able to just use a floating shelf style console.

    Depends on what style console you prefer and what would work best for you there.

    And if you decided to use a stationary console, you could wall mount the tv in that area and use some type of angling extension arm, to give you flexibility to make viewing adjustments.

    All types of arms available, depending on your needs and preferences.

    If you didn’t want to put a door on the closet right now - as one idea, you could put a folding screen in front of closet, and it would be a backdrop to the loveseat - if you can put loveseat in front of the closet. Could also be a nice look.

    I don’t like to promote glass coffee tables - plus for you end tables or mobile C tables, nesting tables, etc. would work better than a coffee table with your recliners. But just wanted to show the screens with sofa in background look, and this screen above, in setup with glass table, is another nice artistic screen, so I threw it in. :)

    But you can use any type of screen in front of the closet. And that would still be an option for you, regardless of where you decide to place the loveseat.

    All types of styles available. Sky is truly the limit. :)

    auntannie123 thanked freedomplace1
  • 3 years ago

    You have alot of ideas . I like that ! I need options lol. I moved the sofa back to original wall to check that arrangement out again . It isnt horrible . I have had the sofa on every wall but not in front of the closet . It wont hurt to try . If we dont use the closet for the TV we will put the doors back on but those screens are gorgeous ! Thank you for all the ideas !

  • 3 years ago

    My pleasure ! :)