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Words for the week

jim_1 (Zone 5B)
2 years ago

Used-car dealers’ jargon

Every trade has it won private language or jargon, whose chief purpose is to permit workers in the trade to converse with other without an outsider’s knowing what they are talking about. For example, if you hear one salesman talking to another refer to a used car as a load, an orphan or a dog – watch out. He may play you for a schlemiel and try sell you a load which has had its clock kicked.

Translation: load, orphan, pig, dog, off-breed and ironall designate poor cars. A schlemielis an easy mark, a naïve and trusting buyer. And a car whose clock has been kicked is one whose odometer has been set back. In the trade this is called a fufnick.

If you are a fleaor a murderer – a person who bargains shrewdly and demands top value – you will be sure to check the grippers (brakes), the juice box (battery), the glimmers (headlights) and the mill (engine). Unless you have a large family you won’t be interested in a moose(very large car). And while you’re checking it over, take a good look at the snortpipe (exhaust) for signs of wear and, especially if you live in the North, you’ll want to ask about slushers (chains) and liquor (antifreeze).

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