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Salvage tree ravaged by very late freeze

I have a male fruitless weeping mulberry that I planted in the fall. It was budding out beautifully this spring. Then we had a very late very hard freeze. Complete with inches of snow and everything. The freeze killed all the buds. It has put out a few new buds but as of today the buds still haven't leafed out. I'm thinking there really isn't much I can do except to just wait and see if it makes it. The only thought I had was that maybe I could try watering it every day for a week to see if that will coax it to breakbud. Something sort of like sweating a tree I guess. But I'd also want to be careful not to over-water.

Here are a few pictures of the current bud situation. You can see some buds look like there just about to go. But they've been about like that for a while now.

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