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with update, can gardenia jasminoides (cape jasmine) survive indoor?

jasmine UKzone9a
2 years ago
last modified: last year

11th May 2022 update:

the short answer to the title of this post is Yes! gardenia jasminoides can be grown well indoor.

here is the detail. there were 4 gardenia I tried to grow in difference condition and there is one grows very well for me. the one with No.2 tag. I kept it by a west facing window sill year round. I had window open in a small gap everyday for a few hours. watered it when the leaves start to droop. feed it every 3 watering during growing season. every 5 watering during winter. This year it gave 8 flower buds and there are two open today. here is a photo of it. if you scroll down a bit more, you will see how small it was one year ago.


June 2021

I had search about gardenia on plant forums for a few weeks. I heard it's difficult to keep gardenia alive indoor. most indoor gardenia usually only last for a few months.I grow mine at north london. it maybe too windy and cold for gardenia to grow outdoor here. so, I will keep mine indoor at spring and winter. here are my gardenia. I bought them 2 weeks ago. let's see how long can I keep them alive.

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