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Exorbitant rate for moving plumbing in small Boston bathroom

I’m usually answering questions but not a plumber :). We attempted to begin a major bathroom renovation in October (still hasn’t been started). The hold up now is with the plumbing. We are moving a shower from one location to another to double the size of the bathroom and improve the layout. Major issue with the current shower, other than location, is that we have a 9” step up. We are trying to obviously, lessen that as much as possible. We live in a big building, the tile is on a cement slab.
We have been told we can’t drill into the cement and need to go through our downstairs neighbors ceiling. May or may not get approval.
The contractor budgeted plumbing into the estimate but we are now being told it’s not enough.
What is a reasonable amount for this type of project and what are our options? Thanks!

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