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Mystery Rose... Help Me Identify This Rose

HELP!!! Do you know the name of this rose? A neighbor grows it but has no idea what it is. It is full of blooms and buds since beginning of March in Coastal Southern, California.

It was newly planted last year. She pruned it down in winter, but it’s now about 4+ feet tall.

The plant grows in a full vase shape, and has lots of buds and blooms.

What’s so striking about this rose is now early it blooms.

looks like a hybrid Tea or Grandiflora in form... (has the V-Vase shap form... but is pretty full with leaves and blooms.

It has lots of stems that bloom in clusters of 3 like a Floribunda.

There’s not much fragrance... very light barely noticeable.

It seems to be a very vigorous grower, prolific bloomer and super healthy plant. Seems to be the kind of roses that that thrives on little care.

My neighbor says she doesn’t fertilize or really do anything to it. She’s new to growing roses and is amazed it’s doing so well, as she does nothing specially to it other than give it water.

Here are some pics of the blooms, leaves and whole plant.
