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Improving curb appeal and facade of Florida Spanish house

3 years ago

Hi all!

I've recently purchased a very cool Spanish hacienda courtyard home. The architecture is very unique compared to typical Florida Spanish homes with a traditional pool courtyard.

But the front leaves a lot to be desired to me. Since the photo, I've already started working on better landscaping and planning to dig up bricks in middle of drive and put in a bed anchored by a large date palm to give a Med feel and soften up the massive concrete drive.

I am looking for ideas on how else to add curb appeal and improve upon the facade. Both minor (paint exterior white? add trim around garage doors and windows?) and major improvements (modify roofline to add interest somehow?)...open to any ideas.

For context, this is about a $900k home and I would like to over next 2 to 3 years bring that value up about ~$200k (aside from market changes). Meaning I want the home to appear luxurious and upscale from the exterior, at least when I am done with remodeling. We will hire an architect but would love some ideas or pictures if any come to mind!

Thanks all, really appreciated.

Back of home to show architecture and style:

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