Show Us Your Landscape/Gardens - A Photo Thread - February 2021
4 years ago
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Show us your landscape - a photo thread - February 2013
Comments (60)This morning I noticed the car had interesting frost patterns (as others have documented in past threads) but I was most startled by the snow on the windshield. I've never seen wrinkled snow before - I guess yesterday's snow then rain then freeze addled the snow mat and it started sliding and folding then froze solid. It's warming up quickly now and the mat probably slid off already. Claire...See MoreShow Us Your Landscape/Gardens - A Photo Thread - January 2021
Comments (37)Sue, you always sound like a very busy and productive person! Painting rooms! Love it. Babs, what a cute name!! Flax! I think getting a dog is one of the best decisions for someone who is grieving. Dogs are such a comfort and good company too. Yes, COVID and working from home was the reason for the addition of the dachshund in our family too. They were going a little stir crazy at home without co workers, and decided it was a good time to get a dog. It has worked out better than I ever expected. They did virtual training classes too. And while they were doing a lot of walking any way, it's increased and the stairs up and down, in and out. They are as fit as they've ever been. [g] The dachshund puppy is called Babs, believe it or not. lol I'd love to post a photo but, they'd kill me if I did. So I found a photo online of a dog that is similar.... you can see how low to the ground he is. He gets soaked and sometimes muddy when he's walking in wet weather. I love that photo of the early morning sky!...See MoreShow Us Your Landscape/Gardens - A Photo Thread - March 2021
Comments (34)I thought someone started an April thread, I don't see it? I wanted to say that it is 20F on my back porch this morning. Does anyone else find that shocking? It's still dark out, but I'm afraid to go out and look at what the garden has to look like. Anyone else having temperatures that low this morning? I just went out and checked again, to make sure I was seeing it right. Still 20F. I looked at the forecast and right now it's supposed to be 26F. I just checked out 2 more different forecasts. One that is embedded in the top of my search engine is reporting that it is 27F in my town right now. But the National Weather Service reports it at 23F so at least they are close, but what does that say about my property? Am I in some microclimate? I planned on working outside early and digging a bed out and some other things. Is the ground going to be frozen? I'm thinking I might get a later start than I planned. I'm feeling bad that I didn't cover anything or bring in my winter sown containers which would have been easy, but I haven't thought it was going to get more than a couple of degrees lower than freezing....See MoreShow Us Your Landscape and Gardens - A Photo Thread - July 2021
Comments (78)PM2, sorry, it took a few days but I finally got some photos of my agastache! The only thing is you and everyone else must promise to ignore the weedy paths and all the other overgrown stuff (not to mention my pathetic little tomato plants!) If you must look at the veggies, check out the squash plant behind this clump of agastache. This (and I think all of the clumps pictured) are growing in the holes of the cinderblock walls. You can see its all over this garden! I've let it go for one reason because these beds now get a lot more shade than when I built them, especially at the far end. The beds need to be revamped and I need to rethink whether I even need them or not. I could use them to grow some more shade tolerant perennials, but don't think that would work as this is really more about function. So I may just make them smaller. IDK... There is an oak tree that is really starting to shade this garden that the electric company has been saying for fifteen years that they want to take down because it's growing into the wires. I keep telling them PLEASE do, and they haven't. If they do I'll have my veggie garden back! :) Dee...See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked claireplymouth z6b coastal MA
- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 4 years ago
- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked claireplymouth z6b coastal MA
- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 4 years ago
- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years ago
- 4 years agolast modified: 4 years ago
- 3 years agolast modified: 3 years ago
- 3 years agolast modified: 3 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked claireplymouth z6b coastal MA
- 3 years ago
- 3 years ago
- 3 years ago
- 3 years agolast modified: 3 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked claireplymouth z6b coastal MA
- 3 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked deanna in ME Barely zone 6a, more like 5b
- 3 years agolast modified: 3 years ago
- 3 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked deanna in ME Barely zone 6a, more like 5b
- 3 years ago
- 3 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked deanna in ME Barely zone 6a, more like 5b
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