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On Doing What You Don't Want To Do

3 years ago

I've posted in the past about certain aspects of my job that leave me feeling completely ill-equipped to tackle; tasks that I just really, really don't want to do, but are nevertheless required of me. A certain duty that I did not want was actually absorbed elsewhere, but it has come back to rest fully and firmly in my lap. So once again I'm struggling with the "I don't wannas" and trying to get over them. To that end, I did a brief search online before embarking on something I didn't want to handle, and came upon this. So simple, and yet it truly resonated with me. I shared it with a handful of colleagues whom I know are also struggling with some things professionally and personally -- things that make them feel unequal to the job and just very nervous and uncertain -- and thought I would share here as well. I would also love to hear from anyone who has found a tried-and-true method for overcoming those things that we don't want to do, because we think we won't be any GOOD at them (but have to do them anyway).

10 Ways to Do What You Don’t Want to Do

Life would be grand if we only did what our fleeting hearts wanted to do, each moment of the day.

Unfortunately, the laundry, taxes and difficult conversations would never get done. The best books would never be written. All the achievements of humankind would be imagined, not realized.

So what should we do if we’re facing a task we don’t want to do? Well, we can run, and find distraction. That usually works, until it causes problems. Or we can find a way to get stuff done.

Here’s how to get stuff done.

1. Meditate on why you need to do this. Instead of giving in to distraction, sit there for a minute. Why do you need to do this task you don’t want to do? Sure, because it’s on your to-do list, or because someone else wants you to do it. Or you’re getting paid for it, or someone’s got to do it. But why? What will this task help accomplish? Who is it helping? Dig deeper and find the good that you’re creating in the world. If you’re a dishwasher, you might not think getting dirty dishes clean matters, but those dishes are required to serve food, and the food nourishes people and it can make them happy and then they can go out and do something good in the world with a smile on their face. So connect the dishes to the good.

2. Meditate on your fear. The thing that’s stopping you from doing the task, or wanting to do it, is fear. You fear failure or looking bad, you fear the discomfort or confusion of the task. So take a moment to look inward and see this fear. Feel it. Accept it as part of you, instead of running from it.

3. Let go of your ideal. If this fear were gone, you could just do the task easily. So what is causing the fear? Some ideal you have, some fantasy about life being free of discomfort, confusion, embarrassment, imperfection. That’s not reality, just fantasy, and it’s getting in your way by causing fear. So let go of the fantasy, the ideal, the expectation. And just embrace reality: this task before you, nothing else.

4. Intention, not results. You are caught up with the results of the task — what will happen if you do it, what failure might result. So forget about the result — you can’t know what it will be anyway. That’s in the future. For now, focus on your intention: why are you doing it? If it’s to make the life of a loved one better, then that’s your intention. That intention is true no matter what the result is. Focus on this, not what bad things might or might not happen.

5. Embrace the discomfort. Doing something hard is uncomfortable. It’s not easy, and often you’re confused about how to do it because you haven’t done it much before. So what? Hard things are painful, but life isn’t always peaches with roses on top (and a sprinkle of cinnamon). It is uncomfortable sometimes, and that’s perfectly fine. Embrace all of life, thorns and pits and all. Life would be boring without the pain. So smile, embrace the discomfort, and get moving.

6. Give yourself constraints. We tend to rebel against restraints: “I don’t want to do this! I want freedom!” Well, unfortunately, having unlimited freedom means unlimited choices, unlimited distractions, and nothing gets done. Simplify by putting restraints on yourself: do only one task at a time. Do just this one task for now. Do it for 10 minutes. Forbid yourself from going to any other websites or checking anything on your phone or doing anything else that you like to do for distraction, until you do those 10 minutes. Ask a friend to hold you accountable — another restraint that often helps.

7. Do a little, then get up. If you have to write something, just write a sentence. Then get up, get some water, stretch. Pat yourself on the back for getting started! Now do a little more: write a few more sentences. Get up, take a mental break (don’t go to another website), do a few pushups. Go back, do a bit more. Pretty soon, you’re in the flow of it.

8. Don’t let your mind run. Your mind will want to run. That’s OK, that’s the nature of minds. They are scared, and they will rationalize going to distraction, going to what’s easy. Watch this happen, don’t try to stop the phenomena, but don’t give it anywhere to run to. Watch the mind want to run, but don’t act. Just watch. It will eventually calm down.

9. Find gratitude. This task might seem hard or uncomfortable, but actually there are a lot of great things about it. For example, if you’re doing it for work, hey, you have a job! You have money to buy food and shelter! You have eyes and ears and a mind to do this task! Imagine life without all these things, and then try feeling sorry for yourself for having to do something so hard. Or, instead, try being grateful for the opportunity to do some good in the world, to learn from this task, to get better, to be mindful as you do it.

10.Learn and grow. By meditating on your intentions and fear, by letting go of ideals and embracing the discomfort, by giving yourself constraints and finding gratitude … you’re learning about yourself. This task, as mundane or scary as it might seem, is teaching you about your mind. That’s a wonderful thing. So this task is a huge learning opportunity. What a wonderful way to spend your time!

Comments (11)

  • bbstx
    3 years ago

    #7 reminds me of my DMIL’s advice to her students, her children, and her grandchildren: How do you eat an elephant? One spoonful at a time.

  • User
    Original Author
    3 years ago

    I like that analogy, and actually repeated it a coworker just yesterday!

  • amykath
    3 years ago

    I love this! I have found myself in the same sitatuion too often. Thanks for sharing! So helpful.

  • OutsidePlaying
    3 years ago

    Yes! Sometimes the hardest part of such a task is just getting started. I would add, don’t be afraid or too proud to seek the advice of another if you really feel bogged down. You don’t even have to admit, or be afraid to admit, you don’t know something. Believe it or not, that ’someone’ will likely feel flattered you asked for their advice or consult.

    Another adage I always lived by, and passed along to subordinates often, was ‘When you come to a fork in the road, take it’, which has been attributed to Yogi Berra. It helped me through a lot of decision-making.

  • Jilly
    3 years ago

    Saving this, thank you!

  • gsciencechick
    3 years ago

    Working on a report I really don't want to do right now, so totally relevant. Thanks for posting.

  • rubyclaire
    3 years ago

    I read #1 and #2 as "medicate" and I thought that sounded like a reasonable idea.

    Upon reflection, meditate is probably better.

    Thanks for sharing - this will be useful.

  • bbstx
    3 years ago


  • Indigo Rose
    3 years ago

    I love when people share things, even if I find I sometimes disagree with all or a little part of something. That said, #2, Fear is NOT the only thing that can get in the way: 2. Meditate on your fear. The thing that’s stopping you from doing the task, or wanting to do it, is fear. Yup, fear certainly can be the source of the problem., but there can be other reasons, lncluding lack of clarity and also Laziness and/or Resentment! But I really like # 5: "Embrace the discomfort". Well said! That certainly can apply as good advice for a lot of the reasons for procrastination. Thanks for sharing, Ida,

  • carolb_w_fl_coastal_9b
    3 years ago

    I like it and saved it too.

    Made me think of a friend's sign on his office wall that said, 'the best way to get something done is to start.'

  • User
    3 years ago

    With respect to smaller things on the todo list, even tiny things, I have a new rule for myself: if I see something or think of some one time task i need to do, if I have the time I do it RIGHT THEN. No waiting, no, I’ll do that tonight, no picking something up and moving it to another, but not the final, destination. I do it the moment I see it or think it. Not only does this clear my small stuff on a regular basis, it means that I have the mental space to tackle the bigger tasks and projects that are easy to avoid when you can put them off by doing the small things instead (and fooling yourself that you’ve done something worth putting off the big things).