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Need design help on small awkward kitchen design

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

Hi all, I've seen the great feedback that is given on these forums and have come to ask for help. Our current kitchen is shown in the photos. Our kitchen remodel we will begin once we have our floors redone. We will have one floor (stone laminate, white with splash of grey and brown, have not ordered them yet, that's just what we're thinking of going with). Our concern is more about the kitchen and how we can maximize the space that we have. We've looked at Ikea again and are open to suggestions and design ideas. I have played with the Ikea planner tool and have 2 ideas on here that may be terrible, please do feel free to be honest. The island in our current photos we just bought at Ikea, however, they will take a return if we do not decide to keep it. So the decisions we are trying to make are -

- go with island in new kitchen or U shape kitchen?

- go with permanent island or current one we bought, that can be moved.

- go with more top cabinets above dishwasher or leave open?

- one of my drafts doesn't show back door going to backyard, which is after the granite countertop...

- we DO need more storage, so we would like more top cabinets, but will it make room look tiny?

All of your expertise and intelligence is so appreciated! Thank you so much!

Thanks so much for your tips. I am all ears and have not committed to anything at all yet.

PS Having a hard time with adding photos, so going to save this post and add additional photos. I've lost the entire post twice as Google Chrome began to "Not Respond". Thanks!

We have not ordered any items or committed to a date for anything at all, so this is a project that is just in the initial phases. We are happy to scrap our ideas and have a totally open mind.

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!

PS would add more pics, but internet is acting up and crashing.

Will try to add additional pics later.

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