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Small bathroom/powder room design help!

4 years ago

Renovating an apartment in NYC and would love some advice. See the current before pictures (the one with the pink wallpaper). We were thinking of essentially redoing everything except maybe keeping the vanity. We will be removing the wallpaper and painting the wall instead, changing the shower wall and floor tile, the floor tile (outside the shower), replacing hardware on the vanity and the countertop itself, but thinking about keeping the vanity itself. We are also going to be replacing the lighting and mirror. We will also replace the shower hardware and shower door.

I've included a mood board for what we are considering, but would love thoughts about whether you feel any changes should be made to this. Also need help picking the floor tile for the shower, lighting fixtures and mirror.

Want to make the bathroom look as open as possible which is why were were going for lighter colors but also don't want it to be so white that its blah.

Thank you so much in advance!

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