East Coast Snow! 12/16
4 years ago
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What's with the East coast weather?
Comments (24)Everyone talked around here about how cold it was in 2009's winter, there was snow that glazed into a dangerous ice surface and I fell more than once tending orchards- one time injuring my ribs enough not to be able to sleep on one side for months. For all that, night temps never got much below zero. I agree that local trends are not at all a way to gauge global climate but we are subjective creatures by instinct. I do worry more about global climate change when my local conditions are particularly warm and become more sanguine when things seem closer to normal, like this morning and the next couple weeks of forecast. I welcome the cold, although I'll be outside in the elements every working day. Wish I could tune down the wind though- that's what bites....See MoreComparing 2 east coast nectarines
Comments (18)Thanks for the recipes, I find that as interesting as the fruit. Those pictures sold me too, and the reviews, and Scott even though he sights the brown rot problem, always rated it high anyway. Any suggestions on how to handle brown rot prevention welcome. My tree is on Citation, but Lovell is available too. Depends what nursery you order from. I have observed that citation makes the trees have a larger caliper at a younger age. The trees look awesome. Lovell seems to produce slimer, but taller trees. I had Arctic Glo on both. The citation failed to branch low after a knee high cut. The tree was too old, my bad, my inexperience. I replaced with one on Lovell, and left the lowest structure on. So taller than knee high, but still can be kept small. I was also attracted to Arctic Glo and Red Raspberry (both nectarines) also because of the beautiful color, and the acid flavor. Here's a poor photo of Red Raspberry. " Developed by the California Rare Fruit Growers' Hybridizer Group. A rare nectarine with rich red flesh reminiscent of the old "Indian Red" peaches. It is the result of crossing red-fleshed peaches with white nectarines and re-crossing the subsequent seedlings. Small to medium sized fruit has dark burgundy skin with flesh streaked in red and a juicy, melting texture. The flavor is unique: rich and complex, very sweet but with a pleasant tartness similar to raspberry" I really wish i had more room. Maybe after I move I can add it. I will lose all current trees when i do, so they are certainly just experiments for now. I need to move in 4 or 5 years....See MoreCoast Redwood on the East Coast?
Comments (9)There are a couple in Washington D.C. growing in peoples yards. The hardiest variety is "Swarthsmore Hardy", and it what developed in PA. I think they are sold at forestfarm. Giant Sequoia does better in the east because they can handle drier soil conditions here, there are also a bunch in D.C. and a large one in PA. However the best redwood for the east is the Dawn Redwood, very hardy and was once native to the east coast. Can grow 200+ feet and does so at relatively fast rate. www.coldstreamfarm.com has good sized sequoias and dawn redwoods for cheap prices check them out. Thats where i got mine....See MoreGrowing Redwoods on the East Coast - Possible?
Comments (192)Here is one I didn't know about. Looks like they LOVE the high summer rainfall, and deep sandy soils of southeastern Virginia! The best Cryptomeria I've ever seen on the east coast (probably, anywhere! I've never been to JP or CN) was somewhere in Norfolk but I doubt I could ever find it again. http://bigtree.cnre.vt.edu/detail.cfm?AutofieldforPrimaryKey=660 Time for those folks to install a lightning arrester for that tree! Or make sure the church spire is well grounded so that it diverts the charge LOL....See More- 4 years ago
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- 4 years ago
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