Pebbles for humidity- Polka Dot Begonia
4 years ago
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- 4 years ago
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inexpensive plants that need very high humidity
Comments (14)Watergal..Lord knows, "I've thought of many plans to do that myself." LMAO..Keep thinking, something will pop up. Read into it what you wish..(S) Family Forum.. Alan, 50.00 for an Anthuruium??? My goodness..I hope it's one happy plant.. Would you like to see some high-loving-humidity plants..check out Natural Selections Exotics. She sells some beautys, but the cost is higher than most plants I can afford. (I love her sales) If your Roseo-picta and Stromanthe tricolor are doing well, then yes, I'd say the humidity in your house is higher than average. Do you have a humidifer? How about a Hygrometer? You can find inexpensive and accurate hygrometers at Ace or most hardware stores..Buy a couple to place in separate rooms, and to compare temps/humidity..Every so often I set mine (3) in the fridge to test for accuracy.. 2 of the 3 are more than 10-years-old, bought at Ace Hardware @ 7.00 each. The third was bought online. I have a small gh, 8x12 in the back yard, so this hygrometer does its job..the hygrometer details indoor, outdoor and green house temps and humidity..if temps dip under 40 or exceed 100 an alarm beeps. WaterGal also suggested a Coffee tree..great idea..A couple more humidity-loving plants to experiment with are Gingers and Heliconia. Or Musa/banana trees..There's some lovely plants around, especially the blood leaf bananas. Alan, are you interested in plants that bloom/fruit? Certain height? Trees/bushes? Fragrant? I'm certain you and your significant other can work something out..Living in Il, our yard size is so-so..not huge nor small..Like I said, I have a gh out back..we also have an English Mastiff and a new addition, Coco, a Shih Tzu..There's room for everyone..Ppl, dogs, and plants..Since you're in GA, you can get by w/a decent sized gh, and if you're in the southern part of the state, the additional gas cost shouldn't cost an arm and leg. If you decide to get a gh, research..don't jump at the first one you see.. Paul, ferns are another great idea.. 20% humidity?? Wow guy, you need a humidifer, mister, indoor fountain and trays..LOL..J/K of course..I'd literally have breathing problems at 20%.. Perhaps the Hypoestes doesn't need much humidity..How does yours do in winter? Do you pinch/prune to keep compact?? Toni...See MoreCart jumped by a CAT (unmarked Begonia)
Comments (10)Somehow I missed your comment until now, Panda. I appreciate the interesting info, and please feel free to post whatever thoughts you have. That's what the forums are for! According to the Wiki article on variegation, Begonias have at least 2 types of reflective variegations. Fascinating plants, aren't they? Wiki: Some variegation is due to visual-effects due to reflection of light from the leaf surface. This can happen when an air layer is located just under the epidermis resulting in a white or silvery reflection. It is sometimes called blister variegation. Another type of reflective variegation is caused by hairs on parts of the leaf, which may be coloured differently from the leaf. This is found in various Begonia species and garden hy-brids." As you can see in the pics above, this plant had a few light pink blooms on it when I brought it home about 3 wks ago and is now starting to make fuchsia / hot pink blooms. Interesting. (Some strange punctuation added to avoid compulsive linking of my words to ads!)...See MorePolka dot plant
Comments (10)If you have space near a window, and enjoy fussing over a plant, it should do fine. If your daughter wouldn't mind if it goes outside for summer, that would probably be best. Juju, that's funny you mention Fittonia. My experience has been opposite but Fittonia was potted by itself until being added to this pot this spring. The polka dot plants have been in this pot since last May. Whenever a piece gets too tall for the 'attitude' of this pot, I just cut it off. Propagating the pieces is not guaranteed but usually takes. This pot is on the east end of covered front porch facing south, so gets direct light for a few hours in the morning. When I brought it inside over winter, it was in a south window under the porch roof, so about an hour of sun early morning, another hour or two late afternoon. Speaking of the pieces, I put 3 in this pot about a week ago. Since they're still so perky, I'm sure they have taken root, or are in the process of doing so. I just stuck them in the dirt until I thought they were deep enough, probably 1 1/2 inches....See MoreHELP with Angelwing Begonia 'My Special Angel'
Comments (1)Looks like some kind of fungal issue. It could be mildew but I don't see it in these photos. Mildew is a real menace on some begonias including big polka dotted canes. Remove the worst leaves, keep your soil somewhat on the dry side, spray with fungicide if it doesn't improve. I often remove all the leaves to get rid of infected leaves and spray the stems with one of the following: Neem oil (which has a pungent smell), Milstop (expensive and only found online thus far), Orchard spray is my newest weapon which is sulfur and pyrethrin. There are others so read labels and consider which is safest for you. Some folks use other homemade solutions but I am not much for those. You could cut it to the ground and make new plants with the tops as well. If the roots are healthy they will put up some new canes eventually....See MoreRelated Professionals
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