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Kitchen layout help - Please!! And furniture arranging too!

4 years ago

We are under contract on a house with the original 1960s kitchen. We would like to open up between the family room/den and kitchen, which would require moving the stairs. The basement/garage is currently unfinished (phase 2!) so electrical, plumbing, duct work are all very accessible. And moving the stairs isn't as big a deal as it typically would be (but yes, still a big, and probably expensive, deal).

We are meeting with design/build in a few days but I have been brainstorming (and obsessing over Houzz) a new kitchen layout. Please help! What have I missed? What doesn't make sense? These are very rough drafts, so nothing specific like uppers was included (but I would like them for glasses and am not a fan of open shelves). I am open to a range (probably 36") and maybe a speed oven or a cooktop and double ovens. We do want to keep a kitchen table but it doesn't have to stay in it's current location. I would also love something like this (but it will have to be smaller) -

And I am open to other suggestions too! This is a whole new, slightly overwhelming, world for me.

Also if we move the stairs where we are thinking, will it make the family room too small for a sectional or big comfy couches? We would like to leave the stairs open so no wall for furniture there. (And that wall is load bearing, so we can't push it out any.) The wall opposite the kitchen seems like the obvious TV wall, but where does everything else go? Or is there a better TV option?

I am going to post pictures in a comment because I tried earlier and it erased everything.

Thanks in advance for your help!!


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