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Best fastigiate shrubs or vines for Palm Springs desert pool area?

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

Hello, all.

I was wondering if anyone had some input on vines and shrubs, or even small trees, that can grow columnar or up a trellis. There is a perimeter of garden space around the pool and it's only about 18" from front to back. I'm trying to do my research but am not liking what I am seeing. These are the qualities I am hoping to have:

1) Doesn't shed, drop a lot of leaves.

2) Ideally would like someone that flowers and as abundantly as possible throughout the year.

3) Can grow relatively fast and create privacy up to 7-9ft tall. If it will grow higher without issue that would be great.

4) Doesn't have an aggressive root system that will tear into our pool or anyone's pool. We all have pools.

I am really tempted on getting bougainvilleas and I know they shed a lot but I am willing to spend several hours a week skimming the pool and using my leaf blower. As of now I already use the leaf blower to clean leaf debris from the neighbor's tecoma vines and ficus trees. We will also get a leaf catcher to attach to our pool equipment to help.

I'm going to be ready to plant in about one more week after I finish reinstalling a new irrigation system so just thought I would check in before making a final choice. I really love the look of these images:

Hoping to get some good input, thanks.

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