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Where is the best place for the sofa?

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

The best layout for my living room is not at all clear to me. The room is 19' 10" x 17' 6" +2' in the bay window area. The bound carpet (red line) leaves a 2' border of the hardwood.

I would like to use the area rug (8' 3" x 11') I have, as it's not too traditional or too modern. Do all the furniture legs need to be on the area rug when it's layered over another rug?

The sofa & 2 leather chairs have to stay. Sofa is 90" L x 38" D x 36" H. The walnut library table in the corner is 26 x 50. (Used for jigsaw puzzles.) I can change out any or all of the tables.

I have a large secretary desk (50"w x 20" d x 90" h). Should it automatically go in the largest space? (Which is left of the sliding french doors.) Or a different corner? And I have a pair of bergere chairs I want to add.

Also, on my room drawing, yes, there is a tv den next to the living room. It was originally the formal dining room for this house, but it's not large enough for our family.

All suggestions appreciated!

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