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I.N.I.T.I.A.L Game...want to play?

3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

So I was thinking that it would be a cool way to see rose pictures and to find out more about our favorite roses. So the idea is to use the initials of your real name or your avatar name to tell us which roses are your favorites in your garden, ones other members have or ones you want to get. So I'll start.

C - Chartreuse de Parme...I love this rose!!! This year it was the star of my garden!! Strong fragrance...can't remember the type...I'm not that good with describing fragrances. This rose never stopped blooming (and always had LOTS of blooms!)'s an amazing rose!

A - Augusta Luise - Diane's pictures epitomize this rose for me!! Mine aren't there yet. But here's one of my better blooms.

I've never had an "R" rose that I love. So I'm going to use the "R" in Rose...since "Rose" is part of the name.

R - Pretty Lady Rose - This rose is just starting to wow me...and I adore the fragrance!!

O - Oklahoma

I don't grow this rose anymore, because it always dwindled to nothing after 2 years. I've tried 3 I give up. But the blooms are opulent!! Fragrance is wonderful.

L - Lasting Love - I love this rose!!! Fragrance is wonderful (Damask, I think) and lots of blooms!!


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