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Bachelor pad bedroom design - WWYD?

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

Advice needed for this bachelor pad bedroom. Only thing that has to stay is the dresser (which I'm having trouble designing around because it really darkens the room). Would appreciate advice on rugs and accent furniture, cool art, etc. Design styles that are appealing: industrial, mid-century modern, rustic/warm.

A couple of main dilemmas:

1) What color scheme would brighten up the room and tie in with the dark dresser while keeping a masculine vibe

2) Want to replace the rug, thinking about a 6x9 under the bed, but then there is this large area of bare floor space between the end of the carpet and the closet

3) Dresser is VERY large so there isn't room to put it right in front of the bed just an FYI

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