Improving Curb Appeal - What would you do to improve curb appeal?
4 years ago
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- 4 years ago
- 4 years ago
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How would you improve curb appeal on my house?
Comments (43)You could use some help from the LD forum on this landscaping. Since you didn't pick the hollies and aren't attached to them, I'll be blunt: for my eye there's not much you can do with paint colours or house details to distract from the very unfortunate placement of those bushes. I'm not saying they couldn't be useful if you combined them with some other landscaping (the other forum people tend to be better at foundation planting issues than I am), but on their own at that height they... are unnecessary, to put it mildly. The house has a very nice foundation, nothing to hide. Do any similar houses in your area have no foundation planting with more greenery further out in the yard instead? I might be inclined to put such a hedge perpendicular to the house if anywhere in that yard, perhaps along the side property line. Cutting them and fleshing out the beds further into the yard with more plantings in front of them might help. I think they will sprout from below if cut back, but check that on the shrubs forum perhaps, or someone on LD might know. KarinL...See MoreThoughts on what I can do to improve curb appeal?
Comments (51)I think Hoovb makes a great point. Start by cleaning up the landscaping. It's got great bones, just needs to be pruned and edited. Get a good pruning book and basic landscaping book. I recommend Cass Turnbull's "The Complete Guide to Landscape Design, Renovation, and Maintenance: A Practical Handbook for the Home Landscape Gardener" 1991. It's out of print but get it from your local library inter-library loan or buy it used on Amazon. He's a great writer about freshening up a landscape and design principles but correct pruning is the first step to maintaining a good front yard landscape. Why spend money redoing something that will look great with just a little TLC. Then same with the rest of your house, just tweak it and then when everything else is said and done and you still want to paint it, then paint it. I had similar issues when I first bought my house, I had a lot I wanted to do but I chose projects that would impact my day-to-day living in the house first and were big ticket items, like taking out carpeting and redoing the wood floors. If everything else about the house is perfect at this point, then paint it. You've got two good options either way....See MoreHow do I improve entry way and curb appeal of the front yard?
Comments (10)In your introductory statement, you say that you're interested in changing "... the front deck into a more pleasant entry way." Let's compare the existing deck to two concepts. Presently, it seems sized such that it could accommodate 3 or 4 people entering. In my concept I haven't the size of the deck much. I've widened it just a little, mainly to allow for building wider steps ... maybe twice as wide as the current steps. It might accommodate an additional person or two. In your concept drawing, you've changed the deck from merely an entrance, to one sized for family gatherings -- lounging, dining, BBQs, etc. Is that how you intend to use the deck? If it is merely an entrance, it does not make sense to overwhelm the space with a lounging and entertaining deck sized for a family ... unless you are receiving visitors in groups numbering into the teens. First, figure out its purpose and base its size on that. Then work out its configuration. Whether its a wood deck or masonry porch structure doesn't matter to its function, as either can do the job. The materials will have more to do with durability, maintenance and the visual, artistic impression that you are trying to make. In general, I think people value masonry porches as the superior ones, b ut it isn't necessarily always that way....See MoreHow would you improve the Curb Appeal of this house??
Comments (8)It sounds like illusion of a double door or drawing the eye in a different direction may be the answer. Your house is a farmhouse style so one of those leaning panels that are selling in stores that say ”welcome“or ‘family‘ on them just might give you the look you want. You could build one that would compliment your door in size and style. A panel painted to match the door color that could hold a flat back basket for flowers or a vine. The center post draws the eye and highlights what you don’t like. You could consider adding ”visual weight” to the one side of the porch by adding a picket railing. It would draw the eye to one side verses the center. The other suggestion would be (if possible) realigning/resizing the porch posts and to remove that center post. These are all relatively quick no/low construction options. They might buy you some time until you decide what you really want to do. Just a thought....See MoreRelated Professionals
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Patrick SolomonOriginal Author