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New couch size question

I have this couch in mind for replacing my sectional. My sectional is or was referred to apartment size in it's description when I bought it so it's not super deep or oversized and has never felt too big for my space. I still like it but I think eventually I'll go back to a couch. Now the couch on my wish list is deeper than my sectional. I think by 4 inches or so. It doesn't sound like a lot but I'm wondering if it IS A LOT actually in the space. I think it's about the same height and the length will be a little shorter than my sectional which works in my favor. My plan will be to have my sectional measurements, overall depth of body, depth of seat etc and compare in real life to the new couch at the store. And to also take my own measurements of the new couch at the store. I know they list dimensions etc on the website, but I need to see the numbers for myself. In terms of at home space-wise, I'll push my sectional up a good 4-5 inches mimicking possible how far in the couch would sit "into" the LR and see what I think.

I just don't want to get the couch and think it's TOO big. Kinda scary right!!
