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Sofa suggestion for small space

4 years ago

Hi, I am looking to replace a 68"x34" sleeper sofa (full) in a flex space. It is primarily used by the kids to lounge, watch TV, play video games; they spend a lot of time on the sofa. 4-6 times a year it is used as a guest space/bed. The current sofa is 15 years old and the cushions are stained and "gross" and a microfiber so beyond cleaning at this point. Any stores/companies that sell small footprint sleeper sofas that are comfortable but won't break the bank (I think we bought current one at a store that is no longer in business). Or, should I abandon the sleeper idea and have guests (i.e. grandparents) sleep in kids' room or sleeper sofa in LR (downside to this is that we live in an apartment so no privacy). If I choose the latter option, I still would needs a small sofa but ideally one that is super comfy. Do they make tiny sectionals- 68x68?? would be great for lounging and gaming!

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