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Vintage sofa reupholstery

4 years ago

Hello. I am needing some advice on picking a color for a vintage sofa and chair that I will have reupholstered to go in our front living room. I have gone all over the place on colors and am now just not sure of any of them. I do believe the sofa would benefit from a color instead of my normal neutral cream or white (nothing wrong with these but want something more of a statement with this). I've attached photos of the sofa, the chair and the space they will go in. The rug has cream, grey undertones I think and blue. It can change too though depending on color of sofa. I thought I wanted a lime green/olive color on sofa and have a floral/bird type print on chair but I second guess that. Then I thought maybe a deep blue. I'd really appreciate any advice and suggestions you would kindly offer on all design and decorating areas. Thank you!

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