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My seedlings 2020 - part 1

4 years ago

So I am going to try to make two posts of my seedlings again like last year. Sorry the posts are long, I have over 65 blooming seedlings this year, already composted a few, and if you find time to look I'd really appreciate if you mention what you like and don't like to help me cull further. I do really like all of them and find something good in each one, haha. I was supposed to really cut back on crosses this year, yeah right, it's so addictive. And I am completely out of room, I don't even have room for this year seedlings, which will have to stay in pots, probably will not overwinter..

Anyway, I will number them like last year again

1 - was trying to cross lates, Kayleigh Cobb x Stranger in a strange land (SIASL) #1

good garden plant I think, it sometimes looks darker, and when hot it becomes bitone, used to double scape all the time but not this year

2 - sibling, KCxSIASL #2, this one is quite pretty I think but can never take a good pic, also used to double scape all the time but not this year

3 - Man of Sorrows x Red Friday #1 - tall & bigger flower but stops recurving after a few flowers, I am using it as a bridge plant, forgot stats, it has an ok number of buds

4 - Eyes on the Prize x Elegant Candy - opens at night, good bud count, instant rebloom, I just want to make the petals lighter

5 - now several Blood Sweat & Tears x Red Friday, they are all tall, and UF-ish

BSAT x RF #1, the darkest and best bud count & branching

6 - BSAT x RF #2 - like it when it recurves like that, which is not always, I don't know what to do to make it better but preserve the big light center

7 - BSAT x RF #3 - doesn't always have sepals like that, but I decided to post this look, when it has normal looking sepals it looks pretty, I think ))

8 - BSAT x RF #4 - I was thinking about getting rid of this one but I still like it quite a bit, there's another one but it didn't bloom this year

9 - now two Chance Encounter sdlgs, CExRF #3, one of my oldest, tall, bigger flower, there's something I like about it

10 - CExRF #6, this was my pot experiment, now in the ground, we both really like this one, the pink color which is hard to capture, and it's fragrant, 5.5 inch flowers which seem bigger to me, maybe I'm not measuring right, decent bud count, this stays ))

11 - another try for lates out of SIASL, and these next two are late, this is the latest to bloom every year that's why it's still here

12 - sibling which I like the colors of better

13 - another late out of Tahlequah Flame, which I keep and keep every year because I like that brown color but it's almost always splotchy, I don't know what to use to clarify it but keep the color

14 - more Chance Encounter sdlgs, CExU #2 (U is Undercurrent), I like this one, it's bigger bloom than Chance Encounter, opens better, and is more lavender than Chance Encounter, hard to photograph so I am using an afternoon pic

15 - CE x U #3 - my only light one, I am trying to make it whiter but 2 seedlings that survived and looked like blooming size did not bloom this year, ah I was so looking forward to them

I'll post more in comments, if Houzz allows ))

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