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Recommend Some Roses for North Facing Balcony

Rose Sniffer
3 years ago

Hello all,

Lovely weather nowadays, hope your holiday plans are to go garden and smell some roses! My friends, I need your best performers in shady areas. I am moving apartments and FINALLY getting a balcony! The catch is that it is north-facing :( I don't know how much sunlight it gets yet, but let's generalize and say 4 hours. My current apartment is also north-facing and I get the brightest sunlight from 7am-11pm through my windows. I am guessing this apartment will be similar. Please recommend me some roses for my balcony... is it even possible? I wanted to have a couple of dwarf fruit trees, but I know nothing will set fruit with so little sun. That's when I thought... perhaps another Austin? Oh this addiction of mine... nevertheless recommend away! I am in Zone 5a Northeast USA.

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