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Dug Japanese garlic and Sky High Scarlet tulips today

I wish I could brag about the garlic. No such luck, but the tulips are very nice. Starting with 10 bulbs two years ago, I ended up digging something like 80 blooming size bulbs this evening and some of them were huge. I dig 2X or 3X tulip bulbs for every one I plant, and they cure beautifully. I use the tulips between the garlic varieties and dig them every year generally a bit earlier than the garlics, but this year some of the early garlics were very early and not very big either. This does not seem to be the year in Minnesota for turbans or Asiatic garlics not in my yard anyway.

The picture isn't very good but you can see how big many of the bulbs are compared to the 2x6 boards they are laying on. Sky High Scarlet grows 36" tall and stands up very well with almost zero lodging. It is also truly a single late bloomer, too. It surely likes how I prepare the garlic beds...

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