Swing arm wall light design question
4 years ago
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- 4 years ago
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Swing-arm wall lamps for bedside?
Comments (5)We totally love our swing-arm lamps (they're more modern) -- we had them hardwired into the wall when we remodeled. If I'd known how much I'd love them (light on my book, tiltable), I would have just put some up before the remodel and used the cord cover. For me, I stay up reading after DH goes to bed, so they're completely perfect, in that I can dim them completely, move them closer or farther from the bed, and angle the light so it hits precisely on the book. And the space they make on the bedside table is just wonderful, as we tend to use our bedside tables for books. If you're not hardwiring them, just go ahead and put them up and see what you think. You can always take them down. The cord covers are paintable, too, so they'll pretty much disappear, and I've seen them used in higher-end designs, even, rather than hardwiring the fixtures in....See MoreQuestion about swing-arm / crane curtain rods
Comments (5)I have them in my music room, and you are correct that they will never completely cover the window because of the finials. I love them, in that when we open the windows we can move the curtains completely away and let the breezes in, and then simply swing them back into place. The length of the rods is also adjustable, so that I can have more or less coverage from the panels depending on my mood. For what you are describing, I think the swing arms would be nice, unless you really need complete window coverage at some point. I guess you could have them overlap when closed, but I am thinking that might be an awkward look, and you would still have some light gap as the two rods couldn't lay flat against one another because of the finials....See MoreSwing arm vs under cabinet lighting for bedside?
Comments (10)Camlan, yes I read in bed, as well as place a drink on the bedside table if I'm doing office work in bed. The table surface should be about 19.5"w x 18"d. If I go with Plan B, undercabinet lighting would probably be warm fluorescent as quite a bit of light is thrown out both to the sides and forward. A similar set-up was used in a bedroom for my son in my last home, and the reading light was fine. If I do Plan A, the wall cabinet height may need to be reduced to 30" to place the light at the right height. This is something I could live with. I guess my question is, do you think undercabinet lighting in a nice bedroom would shout "kitchen" as my designer seems to think? I do not wish to do both types of lighting as either one should serve my purpose so I do not see the need for both. And yes, lighting behind the valance is already planned, with the focus to be on a painting above the bed....See MoreName This Lamp? Arm, Swing, Sconce?
Comments (5)'long arm sconce' may have better results: https://www.google.ca/search?q=swing+arm+sconce&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX06_2koDVAhVBWT4KHXgLCxcQ_AUICigB&biw=1256&bih=627#tbm=isch&q=long+arm+sconce here are a few nice ones - http://www.dwr.com/lighting-wall-sconce/265-wall-lamp/9.html?lang=en_US#lang=en_US&start=35 - https://andrewneyer.com/product/crane-light-black/ - https://shop.onefortythree.com/collections/lamps/products/potence-style-otis-light?variant=25020246288...See MoreRelated Professionals
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