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Which David Austin Rose, zone 6a?

4 years ago

Hi All. I just joined, hope this works! I have a large rose garden, basically started as one small spot that I kept randomly adding on to. So, it's a mad assortment of different types and kind of all over the place. I transplanted a few this year, just a few feet from each other, as I suddenly realized my idea of letting them all grow probably wasn't so smart and they were too close, lol. This year, even though winter was not bad, I had a few die back and one or 2 are actually dead (Violet's Pride). I am looking to replace one of the dead ones, and to squeeze in a smaller rose in a new spot near the front. Really torn about which types to get as I keep hearing "own root" , etc. I am in zone 6a. The roses get full sun all day long and I mulch them up in the winter. I need something compact to fit between all these other sized roses and I want fragrance--something I didn't think to look for when I was crazily buying rose after rose :). My local nurseries really don't stock much. I've bought the Canadian Explorer and Artist series,Knock Outs, etc. . .I'm now considering maybe a David Austin? Today, I will go and take pics of all the tags of the available ones. Does anyone have any recommendations? Pretty, fragrance, compact and neat, and tough! lol.

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