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Food oil stain on engineered hardwood

4 years ago

Is anyone else finding engineered hardwood a disaster in the kitchen? We have two large oil stains near the dishwasher from loading dishes. How do I fix it? The most recent was after serving homemade pizza. I assume the cheese grease splattered the floor when the plate was turned sideways to load into the dishwasher. I never had to worry about my 25 year old hardwood, but the new eningeered hardwood looks awful within a month of normal living. I tested it for all sorts of staining before purchasing, blueberry etc, but never thought to test it for

oil stain potential. Is there a product to suck the oil out? I tried Dish soap, hardwood cleaner and dry baking soda which haven’t budged it. Is everyone else super careful about drips on the floor?

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