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How long should my hallway runner be?

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

We are looking to put a runner in our upstairs hallway, but we aren't sure how long it should be. It has a slight jog at the top of the stairs and then runs just over 16 ft to the bedroom door at the end. I feel like a 16 ft runner might look too big, but with all the doorways I'm not sure how we would place a smaller one. There's a bathroom door on one side and the two bedroom doorways and a closet door on the other side. It's about 10 feet between the two bedrooms along the side. Also, should we match the runner we put on our stairs last year or try to find something else to go with it? Thanks for any help!

Side note, we have three children and a lab that run up and down the hall, so we want to protect the floors and dampen the noise.

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