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New Build Advice Needed - window in my master bedroom closet?

4 years ago

Is it worth it to put a window in my master bedroom closet?

It is just my closet as my husband has his own separate closet on the interior of the house. I am trying to decide whether or not to put a window in the closet on the back wall. The back wall faces the backyard woods with the stairs of our 2nd floor patio going down to the ground in the backyard.

YES, get a window: beautiful natural light, less stuffy feeling, still have privacy as window goes to backyard woods, but...more costly, less space for storage, unsure what kind of window to get

NO window: no natural light, darker feel, but less expensive and more space for storage

Please share your thoughts and any advice! And if you think a window is really worth it, can you share any photos or ideas on what type of window to get. Thank you!

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