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I've never seen a citrus... bush?

4 years ago

Hi! I live in East Los Angeles. I moved onto a property where the previous owners planted a bunch of orange trees! One mandarin orange tree tastes like candy, while the other, not so much... There's an orange tree, too, and right now there are so many oranges on the tree, but they taste bitter and dry. There's another orange/mandarin orange tree in the corner of the property about 12 feet tall that looks pretty straggly and droopy that has not had any fruit on it since we moved in in October. But the real question is... what do I do with the mandarin orange or orange tree that's smack dab in the middle of the yard that looks more like a bush. It has a lot of new growth on it. I have not seen any fruit on it. I do see only a few buds developing, but under all the leaves toward the bottom of the tree.

Crawling underneath all the leggy limbs I also don't see a central or singular trunk. It looks like a bunch of skinny trunks. I'd say it's a little more than 6 feet wide right now. Since there are other mandarin and orange trees on the property, should I just cut this one down? Or should I try to save it? I hope the pictures help. Any advice on how to help this little bush become a tree would be helpful? Is it too late to prune since it's almost April? Thanks so much! I truly appreciate it.

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