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Whole house needs work!!! Where do I start.

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

We're buying a house, built in the 1980s, formerly a vacation home for a large, extended family. It's like they built it, used it, and never did a thing to it. The price was right, the size was right, it's not in bad shape as far as mechanics and basic structure, but I'm having somewhere between nightmares and dreams. We're closing in 30 days, everything is signed, so it will be ours.

First up is the bathrooms - 3 1/2 baths, and they are CARPETED!!! Just gag me. We're do-it-yourselfers, and I've done ceramic wall tile, but not floors, so I thought I'd ask our friendly neighborhood contractor to do one bathroom's floor in ceramic tile, and let me be his assistant so I can do the other ones myself. Is this a stupid idea or a good idea? And wowza - how about that carpet!!!

I'm going to post a few other pictures of my total-redo house. I would love to use this post as a way to keep track of my progress and look for suggestions as we move along. Here's the exterior. Damn, does that shrubbery ever need SOMETHING!

There's a weirdly open space under the stairs in the living room (where the previous owner left boxes of books)

. I'm thinking of enclosing that area with shutters like the ones in the upper part of the living room (there's a bedroom up there that overlooks the living room). That would enclose the space and give us some storage for things like shoes and vacuum cleaners. Thoughts?

Here's the upper part of the living room where you can see the shutters. And you can again see the weird under-the-stairs place.

The kitchen - holy crap, what a nightmare, but I fear I'm going to have to live with it for a while.

This is a second home, and we plan to rent it in the summer when we're at our other house, otherwise we can't afford it - we need to be in Texas half the year for a family commitment or I'd never be doing this. It's in Texas Hill Country, and we have a rental agent for short-term vacation rentals. She said the bathroom carpet has to go to make it rentable, so that's our first project.


P. S. We're definitely on a budget, so there won't be the $44.95 a square foot, handmade tile that makes my heart beat faster.

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