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Least toxic fabric - polyester, acrylic or polypropylene?

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

I am planning to purchase a Lazy-boy recliner and sofa. I am trying to reduce the toxins in my home and am replacing furniture treated with flame retardants. I have selected colors I like that are not treated with stain/water resistant chemicals which are in the Iclean category by Lazy-Boy. My question is which of the following would be the least toxic to the end user (me) - polyester, acrylic or polypropylene (olefine)?

The following links is negative on acrylic and polyester saying acrylic is linked to cancer so makes me think acrylic is worst of the three?

I think polypropylene is one of the safer plastics in general but don't know if this translates into being a safer fabric than acrylic and polyester. I don't see as much about the dangers of polypropylene fabric but maybe because it isn't used as much as say polyester as a fabric? Any advice will be appreciated!

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