Sofa that doesn't get lumpy back cushions within months?
4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago
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- 4 years ago
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Dog with ongoing gastric issues - throws up anything lumpy
Comments (14)Thanks. Unfortunately surgery etc is probably out of the question for us at the moment, we simply can't afford it. I am only getting limited working hours,and my wife, a teacher, won't get paid again til September - we only have a limited amount put by. On the other hand, I really want to get to the bottom of this. She seemed a bit subdued after she was sick this morning - bloody streaks, as opposed to sicking up blood as I say, but she seemed fine after and has been playing with our nieces and nephew and having a good time. In one way, it would be "interesting" to go back to the Vets who performed the Spay operation, but that was 4 years ago and I don't know whether there's any relevance or not now. My latest thought is ulcers. I wonder. I also wonder if we should feed her tomorrow....See MoreSo if our house doesn't sell....
Comments (42)I'd have to reread what I quoted tomorrow about the price. IIRC, The posts were before the market got to this point, so before when she made the posts, she may have been ok with it; but now the price isn't realistic. This is where that great realtor comes in. She should have sat her down and told her that the market changed and we need to act since you need to sell. After all, her bios states she will work with the client to price the home correctly. Having a realtor that claims to have that much experience yada yada; she would be able to talk the seller into going after that buyer; after all, if you read the lowball post, some of the posters were able to change her mind. Why couldn't this experienced great realtor do that? Rereading the posts, Jellyben knew in her heart the price was too much. The realtor technically should have been able to be straight with her saying, ok we can try listing at that "old" price for a few weeks, if we have activity and no bites, then we have to revisit pricing. Our realtor said almost the same thing to us, so we knew going in; plus I read here just like jellyben does, so I know it would have to be done. I do think that the exterior photos make the house look "trumped up" and more like an artist's drawing of spec homes you see at those architectural plan websites. I think it makes the home look unrealistic and could be turning off some buyers. Exactly, which is probably misleading when you actually get to the house. This is a used house, I highly doubt the outside looks that perfect still. Jellyben How long is your contract for?...See MoreWhat Works, What Doesn't
Comments (43)I don,t like the flow of the southern living home. Anyone in the kitchen or at the island is looking at the back of peoples heads in the livingroom. The overly big pillows would make you either have to find a place off the couch to place the pillow on sit on the edge of the couch. I would have put a round game table with chairs in the corner where one of the couchs areand maybe a piece of low wood furnature to hold games in the middle with a two chairs with a small table with a lamp on it on the other side of that wall. i would turn the couch that has its back the kitchen to face the window view and put several comfy chairs on the opposite side of it. All in all I think that room looks good at first glance but is full of holes when you really examine it...See MoreLumpy or thick fabric softener - Downy
Comments (50)Liquid softener in a dispenser should always be diluted with water. I mix a little hot water into the amount of softener in the product cap. Note the measurement lines, I rarely use more than line 1. Swirl the cap or stir with a spoon or table knife, pour it into the dispenser, then add more hot water to top-off to the full capacity of the dispenser. Don't overfill the dispenser or the liquid level will overtop the siphon tube and it'll flow out immediately. Beyond diluting with water, dispensers are supposed to be cleaned of residue on a regular basis / as needed. That includes agitator-mounted dispensers on toploaders. Majority of them disassemble for cleaning, check the machine's user instructions....See MoreRelated Professionals
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