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Help! Whats happening with my Dracena warneckii?

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

So i got this plant from an online group a week ago and im not sure whats going on with it. Leaves are brown and crunchy from the tips, down the outer sides and moving inward of the leaves. Although some of the leaves at the base are brown and soft and pull off easily. The trunk is not green and vibrant, rather dark brown in some areas dry, some reddish color. It appears that the trunk was cut off at some point in multiple spots. The underside of leaves seem to have brown/black stuff that comes off easily when i wipe them. Most of the tips were cut prior to me getting it, there is some healthy new growth on top and a little one on the bottom. I know these plants are sensitive to fluoride, so im not sure if that is the issue? Id love to save this beauty, but am not sure what direction to go in since i dont really know the history of care from the previous owner. The plant is near a window so its getting plenty of light but not direct sun. I watered it last weekend when i got it, but have not watered again since the soil seems moist. My house is kept between 74 and 76 degrees, we live in hawaii so temps do not get extremely cold or hot. Any feedback on what could be happening? I have pictures but am not seeing how to upload them on here!

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