Riding boots for UK trip
5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago
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- 5 years agolast modified: 5 years ago
- 5 years ago
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What a long strange trip it's been
Comments (54)My Lehman's catalogue arrived yesterday, and I thought of you. It started out as a business which catered to the Amish and Menonites in this country - German religious sects which settled here in the 17th century. They still exist in large communities in Pennsylvania and areas in the Midwest. They do not use electricity, automobiles, etc. (they really do drive horse & buggies in the slow lane on the highways). Fabulous farmers. They are the reason there is still a market here in serious plow horses, horse drawn plows, etc. I was in PA driving around with an elderly friend who had lived there all of his life (he was "Pennsylvania Dutch", and totally in the modern world, but still was able to speak the ancient German dialect, and spoke English with a slight German accent, despite the fact that his family has been here since the 1660s!). We passed a lovely farm house with at least 2 dozen Amish men climbing all over it doing sort of construction type things. I asked my friend what was going on, and he said "They are taking the electricity out", because it had been purchased by an Amish family! Anyway, the Lehman's catalogue has every tool & gadget you can imagine in a version that does not require power, as well as all sorts of wood stoves (with cooking ovens & tops), etc. etc. It was advertising a book about how to live without electricity, too. I thought you might find it amusing - they have a web site. Jackie...See MoreUgg boots on a 50 year old???
Comments (62)Bumble- I wasn't even HINTING at the angle you're addressing....Sheesh! I was speaking ONLY about the Ugg-appeal, or lack thereof! NOT how Women should dress. Tinam- LOL....oooops! Yes...that's what I meant! Poncho's! YUCK! I think even Sofia Vergera would look like Hell in a Poncho...but that's just ME! AJ- Yep....I DO view the person separate from what they're wearing! I'm not THAT shallow, believe-it-or-no! I stand with your DH on this one! In a humorous vein....if there was a couple of Fashion-articles I could ban/destroy, Poncho's would be one of-'em!! "Kitten-heels" would be another.... >>> ;-) Faron...See MoreHorseback Riding for Three days+Somewhat Out of Shape Female (me)
Comments (22)It's a trail ride, not a guest ranch. It's LONG rides though, many km... I'm hoping it will be mostly plodding along as I don't have a huge amount of experience with galloping. I'm actually hoping that my horse will be geriatric and uninterested in speed. Maybe I will call ahead and request that one, LOL I've never had any trouble with pain in the past, but I am 15 years older and that darn hip... I'm a little unsure about going to the chiropractor. It seems that once you start going you need to go every week. I'll just take lots of good pain relievers with me. I'm planning on stepping up my walking regime as soon as the snow melts and walking on the school track. Would this help in any way? I am printing this out and bringing it with me. Your advice is AWESOME! I know a few people I may be able to hit up for a lesson or two. Thank you so much! And I will be buying the appropriate boots for sure. Danielle...See MoreMud boots and rainforest clothing
Comments (56)I wear muck boots for field work and I definitely recommend high boots. If it's REALLY mucky, it will suck your boots off your feet! Some people use gore tex boots, but I like the rubber ones myself. I have to replace mine every couple of years, but they're cheap enough-and I use mine for rough terrain hiking in all kinds of weather. Mine are the ones linked from Tractor Supply. I'd bring some kind of walking stick-it will make all the difference. I just wear cotton blend socks with my boots and I put foot powder in them and stuff them with newspapers between wearing. Never wear them with shorts-you can get all kinds of scratches, bug bites, snakes, etc-so even if it's humid as all get out, wear jeans! A field vest is always a great option, you can carry all your supplies (especially bug spray, kleenex, etc). A fishing vest works just as well. I'm too tired to think of the company many field staff use to buy gear but when I think of it I'll let you know....See MoreRelated Professionals
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