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Transom above front door?

5 years ago

Good morning Houzz!

We are selecting our doors this week.

Our build package includes a transom window above our front entry door.

We are in a conundrum about whether to include the transom above the door as no windows have transoms above them and are unsure of how it would look.

First picture is of our house and second picture is of a door layout we plan on going with with the exception of an additional center, horizontal grill in door glass. Third picture is a sample door with white trim without transom.

Certainteed Pacific blue siding and dark brown door are planned. We originally wanted door color trim between sidelights and door but wonder if the white trim would make everything stand out more with or without transom. We plan to paint interior of door and sidelights white to match interior house trim and keep interior bright.

Thank you for any advice.

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