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Bathroom floor level between floor tile edge and framing bottom plate

4 years ago

I just had a guest bathroom leak. While ripping off (MDF!) baseboards, I discovered they must have been installed before floor tiles, meaning they went below the edge of the tile, making them extra hard to remove (especially when wet). Obviously, the slab under the baseboards was below the tile floor level all the way past the sheetrock and to the framing bottom plate (the horizontal wood board at the bottom of wall framing).
Now I'm thinking about waterproofing my bath floor by essentially turning it into one huge "drip pan." Part of that would be replacing baseboards with narrow tiles. However, first I want to get rid of that "trough" between the edge of floor tiles and the bottom plate (which served as a canal to spread all that water throughout the adjacent walls).
Question: can I fill that "trough" with cement flush with the floor tiles (all the way between the edge of the tiles and the bottom plate) before I install my baseboard tiles? Is there any reason not to do it (in terms of moisture control, codes, etc.)? Oh, and in that case I would be replacing the bottom parts of my wall sheetrock with shower-grade cement board (to make everything seriously water-resistant). Would appreciate any inputs on this.

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