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Rug under kitchen table, yay or nay?

5 years ago

I am generally not a fan of rugs in any capacity (I'm a tripper), but we have so much wood floor I'd like to add some coziness/softness to our space, and I don't want to put them in hallways (besides where there is already one in our entry hall).

I'm sure it will be a pain to clean, but then again, sweeping the floor under the table is a pain anyway, so would it really be much worse? It's just me, my husband and my adult son usually here so it's not like I have a four year old to clean up after. What are your experiences/thoughts with a rug under the table? If you have one and like it, what type is it? I'm thinking a very thin style although then I'd have to worry about putting a pad underneath to protect floor.

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