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All the single ladies

4 years ago

I have quite a few single girlfriends-ranging in age from 36-61. They ask me to let them know if I know of any single men.

My husband has a couple of friends who are single as well, and he's mentioned to me that they ask him if I have any single friends.

Would seem easy to put two and two together, right? Well, problem is that DH's friends are not the kind of guys I'd fix my girlfriends up with. They're nice enough guys, but too rough around the edges for my taste. One guy, Dan, is actually fairly good looking, financially stable but he's an old hippy and smokes weed daily (It's totally legal here). He's retired young, so he's free all the time, but to me the whole picture is just a turn off.

What would you do in this situation? Tell my friends about these guys and let them decide? Keep telling DH that my friends are not available? Should I be pre-screening them? Of course, my bias is what would keep me from matching my friends-I look at it as if I were single would I date the guy in question. But then, I'd prefer a specific type of guy-and I know one of my friends, who has been single for VERY long time, has her ideal man and I don't think she'd date anyone that wasnt to her ideal.

Have you ever played matchmaker?

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