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Does anyone know this quartzite - Infinity Grey? Is it soft or hard?

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

Hi all. I have appreciate reading the vast commentary on countertops and have learned much - what to avoid and what to look for. I have finally narrowed down my search for my countertops down to two stones. My top contender is "Infinity Grey", which is labelled as a quartzite. My runner up is Cielo Azul, also a quartzite. I have no samples of Infinity Grey. I can find nothing about it online. Does anyone know if this is soft or hard? Semi-porous or non-porus? I do not trust the stone yard to tell me the truth. And I cannot deal with a softer stone. It just isn't for me. Hopefully my pictures load up. There are some pretty pebbles in this slab. I love it.

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