Window Covering for 13 foot NanaWall
5 years ago
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Wall color and window covering help
Comments (2)Could someone please help me select a wall color and window covering for my den? The room is 11x13 with a pair of double hung windows (78 inches wide by 66 inches high) on the 13 foot wall and a set of French doors (60 inches wide by 83 inches high) on the 11 foot wall. Flooring will be butterscotch hardwood and trim woodwork is natural Oak. The only furniture I have for the room is a pair of black cherry leather wingback recliners. I will be adding a wall unit. Also may add the chair shown in the pictures. I was originally looking for a neutral tan color. During my search I decided to try a color to bring out the black cherry color in the chairs (unless in direct sunlight they appear black). Finally selected number SW 6023. The wall is currently BM Linen. I'm afraid to continue painting with this color. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Den Closeup of Chair and SW6023 (Insightful Rose) Floor/Woodwork A chair that might be used...See MoreWeek (lucky) 13: Every little bit counts.
Comments (87)We will see about lost revenue soon. I went back yesterday evening to get my sunglasses and noticed the opposite wall has separated an inch and the hardwood in one bedroom has buckled. This will be interesting. I suspect overloading - there were no defects noted in the attic or structure, ever. Not by any inspector or contractor. The only comment was that the roof was getting old and I might want to think about replacement at some point. I say boring a bit tongue in cheek in that I am known to talk about design and decorating incessantly. Not as bad as the rehab addict lady... Hopefully a more subtle Mike Holmes. An engineer came by yesterday afternoon. Not sure whose insurance called them (not mine). The first thing they did was get in a lift and take pictures of supplies and whatnot. Google says this may not be unheard of, BC has a handy guide for how to load up supplies in a roof that I guess they should have read first. I know a structural engineer and we are visiting today too. Losing the plaster and lathe on the wall facing the school bothers me some since it makes things quieter on the inside. Another thing concerns me a bit is flood insurance requirements. BFE here is 13 feet and the living space is at 12.6. It has never flooded. If you do more than 50% of the value of the place in repair in a year you have to bring it up (physically raise it). If this is defined as market value of the place I doubt we will hit that since values more than rebounded. However if it's defined as value of the improvements per the county's housing crash values this could be trouble. Likewise for bringing things to code. Insurance is supposed to put it back the way it was, but rules have changed over the last century and I am not sure I'd that comes out of my pocket. I take this the same way Peter did in Office Space when the building burned down. Just stand back and watch... For now I will finish our place. I assume they will fix by removing the roof completely, take out the ceiling, remove the entire second story wall facing the school, remove a section of the opposite wall and then deal with whatever broke and buckled the floor. If required to raise ithe house the entire drain system must be redone, the place leveled and the enclosed rear porch rebuilt. @doug the floor looks awesome! Is it walnut? @texas - that may be me... I will check it out once I am not browsing by phone. Marine spar varnish is great stuff, it's the right choice. Coffee time......See More13 year old orange trees growing from seed
Comments (102)Several decades ago, I hybridized Poncirus trifoliata and Clementine mandarin using Poncirus as the pollen parent as Clementine is 100 % monoembryonic when used as the seed parent. The only difficulty was the timing of flowering of the 2 parents. Some of the flowers on the progeny were misshapen and not capable of setting fruit. A few of the hybrids were vigorous and fruited in a solar greenhouse without supplemental heat in southeastern Pennsylvania. These trees were planted directly in the soil with the perimeter of the greenhouse base insulated 4' deep using panels of Styrofoam insulation. One of the trees fruited with Clementine-like fruit, deep orange, seedless, not bitter, but tart, about 2 inches in diameter. Regrettably, I discontinued covering the greenhouse and lost the trees to winter cold. I had previously sent 2 scions to an amateur citrus breeder in Tifton, GA. He was an elderly gentleman at that time and they may not have been further propagated. These trees began flowering and fruiting at 5-6 years of age. I did not fertilize these plants and did no pruning as flowering began on the most distal branches, especially on the longer upper branches beginning to bend downwards....See MoreSan Antonio Spring 2019 Plant Swap, April 13
Comments (106)Ok plant swap nutters, FYI, mike asked the ICSA (Islamic center of San Antonio) On Fairhaven/Datapoint of wurzbach if any future plant swaps could be held there. They gave permission to use the picnic area tables and benches that are under some trees but no pavilion incase of rain storm however people can use the school cafeteria for the swap if the weather is bad. There is also bathroom facilities in the cafeteria. The cafeteria is a singular mobile home type building which is next to the picnic area with ample parking spots. There is no fee and usually there is no school activities going on Saturday between 9am and 12noon. We just have to make sure the place is left clean after the swap. Mike will take some pictures of the place and we will post it here if people decide to take the offer....See MoreRelated Professionals
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