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Viaduct? Duck Soup?

Viaduct ? & Duck Soup?

Not talking about The Marx Brothers, The well known old-time vaudevillians.

Why a duck? Because no one likes turkey for Thanksgiving!

Got a Three-Buck-Duck. Duck at $3.00 a lb is expensive compared to $0.39 a lb for turkey. I prepared the duck Peking style because that’s what everyone wanted.

Peking duck is traditionally served on a steamed bun, like a sandwich. Just to be different, I used Italian bread for the duck meat duckwiches with Hoisin sauce, and the anothers with Bazlama bread with shattering crispy duck skin. Both sandwiches come with the very last indoor ripened garden tomatoes.

What happened to the duck bones? Duck soup with potato dumplings.

Speaking of three-buck-duck, a bottle of champagne cuvee dom perignon 1980 was served, way above Three Buck-Chuck.

It was a Happy Thanksgiving meal.


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