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Wall plate displays

5 years ago

Are they really THAT bad and terribly outdated?

I like textured art, and am a big fan of traditional art in general. I enjoy the look of wall plate displays, but lately keep hearing that they belong on the walls of our grandparents' homes.

To me, they look timeless... not "old." Am I the only one?

Either way, I do intend to put together a plate display for two walls in our kitchen. I'm attaching photos of said kitchen and two options for plate theme. Would love any thoughts. :)

PS: I realize our kitchen isn't in everyone's style, but we LOVE it.

PPS: If you hate both of my plate display ideas, but don't mind the idea of displaying plates on a wall in general, I'd love to hear or see your favorite ideas.

Thanks in advance. :)

Kitchen photos...

Here to the right of the table is where one of the displays would go (the other would go on the wall opposite the table, the wall against which I stood to snap this pic):

Here's a better picture of that wall by the table (obviously all decorated for the holidays now, and worse quality snapshot, but better idea of width and size of wall)...

Now, the two basic plate display themes from which I'm choosing...

1. Russian fairy tale collector's plates. There are a dozen in the series and they're about 8-9" across. Hand painted, and since hubby and I are both of this background and are familiar with all these stories, they are meaningful and represent happy memories to us. We also like how the black background and the gold tones work with the colors of the kitchen.

2. English blue transferware plates and/or platters. No real attachment here other than the fact that I like blue and transfarware, and have some blue Spode pieces I love displayed in the glass cabinets already (which would tie it all in). Something to this effect...

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