I Hate My New Floor!
5 years ago
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My kitchen is new but i hate it...(pics) what can i do to improve
Comments (37)Dear Polar Princess, I am happy to read of your recent survivorship and a getting new lease on life. I think your oak cabinets look very well made and can be a star with some new accessories. Oak is a timeless, beautiful wood. Here are the changes I would try for minimal cost: 1) As has been mentioned numerous times: remove the stenciling & ivy to freshen the look. 2) If you can easily remove the light bridge over the sink and add molding to the top of the 2 cabinets where it connected, that will also modernize the look, as previous poster suggested, for not much money. 3) Backsplash: Provide Maximum sizzle and splash, which will transform the kitchen with a shimmering glass tile mosaic. See link below as example. Your area is not big, so you could pull this off for only $200 to $250 in materials. 4) Definitely bring in the brown leather bar stools you like or even something very modern in style as a contrast. 5) Counter tops: white laminate is not necessarily bad. In fact, if you add a shimmering glass backsplash that is a nice counterpoint to the white counters, you may find they are now more pleasing to you, without going to the expense of adding granite. You already know how easy to maintain your laminate counters are. You might jazz them up with some interesting place mats or update your centerpiece to be more in keeping with the brown leather & mosaics. 6) Window valence: maybe replace the lace look with something more tailored to complement the new backsplash and stools. 7) Wall paint: See how the backsplash changes the look and decide if you want to add wall color or not. 8) If you still yearn for SS appliances, check into changing out the front panels of the frig and dishwasher with SS. Don't think that is possible with the stove. I would really keep the bisque because they will look nice with the new backsplash as well. The link is from a larger website with many different choices of mosaic color combinations. The featured one is Anima because I think it would complement your while/bisque and oak and brown leather. Also check out several of the Spectralight (with and without El Dorado), Shimmerfly (one is Honey Pearl)and others which might complement your adjacent room colors. Good luck with all your decisions. We celebrate that you are here to make them! Anna Lee F Here is a link that might be useful: Glass tile backsplash...See MoreUPDATE on my "I Hate my Kohler Stages Sink", new Karbon facuet
Comments (10)SO glad it's at least somewhat helpful. Seriously, I wouldn't know about even HALF of the things I've put into my kitchens over the years if it weren't for the real-life experiences of actual cooks who do their kitchens and share here. The faucet was chrome, so maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but we had several other chrome elements, so it worked for us, and at 40% off what I was expecting to pay, I was IN. Karbon for $769 This faucet is seriously amazing. Count me in the fan club!! A total aside, but the AutoTap was another purchase that has revolutionized how we cook. I remember reading about the TapMaster years ago, and I found the AutoTap for FAR less, and I'm in love. My ONLY beef with the KK faucet was that you had to turn the water off in order to revert back to a steady stream. The AutoTap makes it as easy as a tap of the toe. Love this thing. My other half came in with mucky hands and walked right over to the sink and just tapped it on. Nifty AutoTap #KitchenDorkLOVE...See MoreSing with me my new blues song: "Oh, I hate my laundry room."
Comments (2)I have designed a few things in laundry rooms for clients that really maximize the space. A built in company can give you something sturdy that is customized for your space. If you need to do something on the lower price side these pictures may give you some inspiration. One is storage created above and on the sides of full size units. The other is a mud room that had a broom closet added and over head storage. My best advice would be design for the long run, don't do anything that won't convert well if you end up going to the stackable units....See MoreI hate my new floor
Comments (6)There are stains in the medium brown family that have green in them - green is opposite red on a color wheel and will help tone dwn the red color. Here is just one example from a blog where they were having issues refinishing their red oak floors (every stain was still showing red/pink/orange when dried). It's from Pine and Prospect Home blog. They also were advised (I think by SW) to add mineral spirits in order to lighten the stain they selected a bit. https://www.pineandprospecthome.com/the-stain-we-chose-for-red-oak-floors/ I don't know anything about the particular stain that they used (I actually had never heard of it before - and it might not be used by professional refinishers - but it will give you an idea of how the green undertone in the stain will help neutralize the red in your red oak floors). There are other stains that I've saved in order to try when I refinish my floors shortly - it's fairly easy to find them if you search for stains with green tones to use on red oak floors....See MoreRelated Professionals
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