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Help with living room redesign

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

I have a living room with a high wood ceiling, that I’m trying to brighten up and make it look more put together.

I really don’t know what to do with the back wall, the one with the fireplace, I also want to repaint the walls in pure white and maybe have an accent wall? Right now they have this light gray color with hints of mauve in them that I don’t like.

The living room doesn’t get a lot of light, neither window is facing the sun. The floor is dark, so it doesn’t help. I feel like it needs to be more vibrant, needs some plants. I want the room to look clean, organized, with colors that work together.

  • Repaint the walls in white?
  • Back wall, repaint fireplace?, maybe change the color of the mantel
  • What about above the fireplace, this big empty space, put art?
  • New curtains, no idea what to get
  • Need more floor lamps, replace with some mid-century modern design
  • New rugs

I want to keep the six spotlights (they’re RGB philips hue and I love creating different ambiances) but I don’t like the fixtures, they look 80’s. Would having hanging lights be too busy since I have 6 of them plus the fan?

Any help is appreciated.

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