More square footage or better upgrades?
5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago
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Comments (33)
- 5 years ago
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Square footage variance compared to home plan
Comments (17)The variation in the location of the foundation compared to the dimensions on the foundation drawings should not be more than an inch or two. If it is 6" or greater, it is a serious construction error that you should have been notified about at the time. "The deck is specd out at 9 feet wide" sounds like a note on a preliminary drawing. Buildings are not built from preliminary design notes. What you own is what is actually dimensioned on the plans listed in your contract. The actual deck size would be determined by the dimension to the foundations on the foundation drawing and the projection of the framing and the decking would be dimensioned on a structural framing detail. Foundation piers often shift while concrete is being poured so if the discrepancy is not compensated for in the framing the deck size will be different. In bygone times a carpenter would find a way to make the deck the correct size but homeowners press contractors so hard to cut costs these days that few carpenters would even give it a thought. When I inspect a project it is often difficult to find the drawings they are using, and sometimes it is the preliminary or bid set instead of the permit set. It's may not be true that you always get what you pay for but these days you certainly won't get what you didn't pay for....See Morehow to cut cost and get more square footage?
Comments (10)1. Make the basement unfinished, but heat it, assuming you need heat. That's your cheapest space. 2. Use the "attic" above the garage. In some places you can use a ladder to get to the space, provided it's less than a specified size, usually 400 square feet. 3. Build outdoor living spaces, like screened porches and garden sheds. These can usually be added to the property after the initial build. 4. Heat the garage with a modine or electric heat in the ceiling. There are insect screens available to go over the garage doors and turn it into a porch. 5. Bunks. I'm in a Maine vacation house right now, with twin bunks in a wide hall next to the two bedrooms, so it sleeps six. This leaves more space for other rooms. 6. Save space on closets, hallways, etc. and completely eliminate rooms you don't really need. 7. Cut down on your stuff. You can get rid of at least one third of your junk, and you'll be happier without it. Seriously....See MoreLand square footage
Comments (20)Luckily we still have freedoms in this country that allow individuals and/or families to decide what size house best fits their needs, wants and budgets. The annoying thing is when people here make comments like "you don't need a house that big" or "no one needs a 3 or 4 car garage" or "you don't want to be cleaning all that space" or "too expensive to heat/cool", etc. Forcing your own preferences and judgements on other people, gets very tiresome. What I have found is that if you've lived in a larger house for a large part of your life and enjoy having the larger entertainment spaces, it is very difficult to downsize, because all you want is to get rid of some bedrooms and bathrooms and not necessarily any of the entertainment space. You won't find many 3K sq.ft houses for sale with only 2 bedrooms! Also the property tax structure in some places doesn't reward downsizing if real estate prices have appreciated by a large amount. That is the case in many areas of CA, with Prop 13. For example my neighbors who have lived in their house for 40 years probably pay around $2k in property taxes. If they bought a slightly smaller house today, in the same area, their property taxes would be around $20K. Most of our retirees do not downsize, which reduces inventory further and drives prices even higher as there are less houses for the young families to buy. Higher prices increase that difference in property taxes even further! Worthy, I'm in LA, so lots of similarities with your area. Lots of building (teardowns) and remodelling taking place right now. I'd probably have to drive a bit more than an hour and a half to get 93 acres that are worth building on!...See MoreHelp! Selling split level - square footage issues
Comments (56)I've attempted to explain issues regarding the house I want to sell, including associated issues that figure into my decisions. The associated issues are complex, and mistaken assumptions have been made by some commenters here that are wildly off-base, offensive and inappropriate. Suffice it to say, I am not leaving this town. I am not selling the property where I live. I've joined others in my community who are fighting for responsible building regulations to stop damaging run-off. I'm sorry if some commenters don't like that, but nothing you say will change this. It depresses me that land is considered so disrespectfully in this forum, and I wish all would consider land has more identity than just a box of cereal. Land has geographic identity.....the place on the map of this planet. Geological identity......the ancient bedrock beneath it. Biological identity.....the biodiversity of flora and fauna that call it home. Environmental and water quality. Historic identity.....the natural and social identities previously. Community a permanent fixture in social surroundings. Tax identity.....what we owe for services that facilitate the surroundings. Personal property identity.....that which we call home. I was raised to respect land, and it depresses me that some people see it as merely transactional, a commodity to be exploited and then move on, and who cares about the damage to the land and those who remain. I'm not anti-capitalism, but late-stage capitalism seems to have eroded all other values. It's an unsustainable mentality, unsuitable to a shrinking planet. Besides being caretakers of land, we're caretakers of our own souls. You might even consider them one and the same....See MoreRelated Professionals
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