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sources for leaf mulch/mold in southern california? And a whine...

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago


I've started my own leaf compost, but according to what I've read, it's going to take time for this stuff to turn to "leaf mold". Since I live in a mostly urban area, I've been bumming leaves from my neighbors' gardeners. The looks they give me are interesting :)

Meantime, where can I get leaf mold/mulch (hopefully organic) in my area? I'm doing a controlled experiment with growing some certain types of veges that aren't supposed to be successful in this area. The recommendation is to use a hardwood leaf mulch.

On another note, reading gardening tips on the internet gets frustrating when it comes to soil discussions. I rarely find what's recommended! And when I do, these things are ridiculously priced (most suggest it's cheaper to make your own mix). For example, I got all gung-ho to build a soil for potted blueberries. The majority of recommendations are to combine an acid soil mix for azaleas, pine needle mulch, and sphagnum peat moss or coco coir. Well, I found the first, but the only one brand available here is primarily redwood based, which is apparently no good for blueberries. Every nursery and box box store within 30 minutes gave me a puzzled look when I asked about coco coir (which I can find online or at the local hydroponics stoner store, but because it seems coarse I decided to pass for now). I cannot find pine needle mulch anywhere, and then finally found organic sphagnum peat moss at nursery 45 minutes away and it cost $40 for the bag. I ended up just mixing up some potting soil with the $$$$hagnum peat moss, a little extra perlite, and sulphur to the mix. It might've been easier to just take the ring into the lava, pffft.

Well, my whine is over. It probably doesn't help that I don't live in farmlandia. Bah humbug :)

Thank you for your time in reading. Hopefully you laughed a little at my troubles :)

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